Why do I love empowering women?

3 min readJun 2, 2021

There’s no doubt about it, life can be tough! Resilience & strength of mind is everything.

It’s how we get through the tough times, it’s how we support our friends and family when they’re struggling and they need someone to lean on. It’s how we support our kids who are suffering with their own mental health issues in ever increasing numbers.

Honestly I’m alarmed at just how many parents I speak to every week that have teenagers and young adults who are seriously struggling.

With 14% of youth and 1 in 5 adults admitting mental health problems and the 18–25 age range seeing a drastic rise in suffering depressive symptoms this isn’t an issue that’s going to just disappear.

And what really blows my mind is that so many people still struggle to open up and talk about it.

They struggle to acknowledge their own thoughts and feelings, never mind fess up to others and get some support.

Why is this?

Usually because it’s easier to escape with alcohol, pills, food, and even fitness sometimes, to numb yourself and bury everything in the vague hope it will go away and your problems will magically disappear.

The thing is, life doesn’t work like that. At some point things catch up with you and you reach breaking point. I can tell you from experience that it’s often painful for all involved.

If you constantly feed your frustration, you’ll likely end up obese, at risk of diabetes, heart disease,

If you can’t sleep without pills, you’re not really sleeping as much as knocking yourself unconscious. You’re not allowing your body to follow it’s natural biological rhythm and this may impair performance and overall wellbeing. This also has a higher risk of diabetes and a propensity for obesity and metabolic disorders.

And I can tell you from experience that becoming dependent on drugs and alcohol never ends well.

But imagine what your life would be like if you had the skills and tools to build some badass bouncebackability.

Imagine if you had the mental and physical energy to not just cope, but actually thrive

Imagine if you had the self awareness to recognise your signs of stress quickly and easily calm yourself without numbing yourself with pills, food, drugs and alcohol.

Wouldn’t all that be totally freaking amazing?

That is exactly what I love to do.

To empower women to be their fearless selves, to have the ability and confidence to face the world, the resilience to deal with whatever life throws at you, and most importantly to embrace your thoughts and feelings, sit with them and use them to create the future you want.

If that’s you, then get ready… because change is coming… 5th July…so check out

https://www.fearlessfitandfabulous.com/masterclass to find out how you can go from overwhelmed and on the edge to badass babe in just 12 weeks.

And of course have a totally fearless and fabulous rest of your day!




Fitness, health & wellness coach committed to learning and sharing what it takes to look good, feel awesome and love life.